Engage in the exciting world of journalism.

About the Academy

Led by our talented and dedicated summer staff, the Summer Journalism Academy will teach students a wide set of new skills—from news reporting and writing, to designing, to the business challenges of newspapers today—that will undoubtedly help them in the classroom and in their extracurricular pursuits.

Additionally, the camp features activities outside the building, including tours of Harvard College in which students will learn about college admissions, college life and reporting in college. On the final day, students at the Summer Journalism Academy get an opportunity unlike any other—to put their newfound knowledge to work right away, producing an actual newspaper!

The week-long camp will run from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, from July 22nd to July 26th. Summer School students with conflicting class schedules are still welcome to participate and will be accommodated. Finalized dates and more detailed information on programming and registration will be posted to this website as they become available. Financial aid is available on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to programs@thecrimson.com with any questions you may have, and we look forward to seeing you this summer!