• Seminars
  • Discussion Groups
  • Newspaper Consulting
  • Faculty Opportunities
Each attendee will get to select 3 seminars out of the 12 available. Each time slot will have 2 journalism seminars, 1 business seminar, and 1 technology seminar. Students will have the opportunity to choose a technology, business, journalism, or interdisciplinary route.


Polls, Graphs and Tables: Incorporating Data into News Incorporating data analysis into reporting has risen to the forefront of modern journalistic practices. Led by one of The Crimson's polling experts, this seminar will review some of The Crimson's largest survey efforts as well as other initiatives to provide readers with real data.
How to Launch an Initiative: Investigative Case Study Since its founding, The Crimson has launched many initiatives to expand its presence and content in the ever-changing field of journalism. The Crimson launched the Flyby blog in 2009, which has continued to provide another outlet for more loosely written, but still well-reported and more opinionated content. This seminar will focus on The Crimson’s most recent initiative to launch a blog on College Admissions and use that project as a case study for how to create and successfully launch your own initiatives.
The Making of a Magazine: Alternative Ways To Tell a Story In this seminar, editors of The Crimson’s weekly magazine, Fifteen Minutes, will discuss ways to present campus issues using non-­traditional narrative forms. Students will analyze and critique the effectiveness of various pieces from recent issues of the magazine and brainstorm ways of framing stories for their own papers.
Telling Stories That Move Audiences: New Medium of Journalistic Videos A well­-made video can tell an engaging story on its own or can serve as a valuable complement to a traditional article. In this seminar, participants will learn the basics of creating a video and discuss how to incorporate more innovative multimedia components into their newspapers’ coverage.
Newspaper 2.0: Online Strategy Newspapers’ main sources of readership have shifted online, and drawing more users to their websites is a never­ending quest. This seminar will introduce a number of features of The Crimson’s own online strategy, including web page analytics, online advertising, and The Crimson’s recent website redesign, and its newest initiative for multimedia features.
Design: Constructive Feedback on your School Newspaper In this seminar, Crimson editors will talk about the evolution of design within The Crimson. The seminar will introduce students to trends in both print and online design.


Careers in Technology and Start-ups In this seminar, students will have an opportunity to discuss career paths in technology and start-ups, from internships in high school to college and beyond, with members of the Harvard Crimson Technology Board. Many of the Crimson’s Tech Board members have worked in prestigious technology and start-up companies, from Google to Dropbox, and have insights into what these companies are looking for in students, stories about tech and start-up work culture, and advice about the future options open to students interested in this line of work.
Introduction to Python Learn the basics of Python, a widely-used and flexible programming language, with the Harvard Crimson’s Directors of Web Development. Students will get a taste of what it’s like to be in a Harvard undergraduate Computer Science class as well as get insights into the academic options open to students interested in programming in college and beyond.
Learning Adobe Software: Photoshop and InDesign In this seminar, students will learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, particularly as it is applicable to publication design, with members of the Harvard Crimson’s Design Board. Students will get a chance to learn not only how to use these programs, but also how to design in a way that is most engaging for the viewer.


Careers in Business In this seminar, students will have an opportunity to discuss career paths in business, from finance and consulting to real estate, with members of the Harvard Crimson Business Board. Students on the Crimson Business Board have worked in prestigious companies from Goldman Sachs to McKinsey, and have insights into what these companies are looking for in student employment, what kind of work culture these fields have to offer, and what young students can do to competitively prepare for a career in these sectors.
Alternative Revenue For a student group to maintain financial stability, developing and maintaining alternative revenue sources is crucial. In this seminar turned round table discussion, attending students in leadership positions will receive a talk from the Manager of the Harvard Crimson Business Board about the innovative ways in which the Crimson has generated alternative revenue, from contract printing to publishing popular books such as 50 Successful Harvard Application Essays. Then, students will be given a chance to come together in small group discussions to collectively brainstorm alternative revenue ideas for their own student organizations.
Social Media Marketing As newspapers’ main source of readership has shifted online, social media marketing has become all the more crucial to attracting and keeping a readership. Come and discuss with the leaders of the Harvard Crimson’s Marketing team as well as the Crimson’s Managing Editor how a student newspaper can stay relevant in today’s readership landscape by employing social media marketing tactics.
Field Reporting Exercise Students will have an opportunity to practice their reporting skills by interviewing students, tourists, and locals on campus and in the surrounding area. Students will engage with real ­life issues that students and Cambridge citizens face while gaining valuable hands-­on training by reporting in the field.
Photography Excursion In this activity, students will venture out into campus as a group with one of The Crimson’s photographers to capture their own shots of historic Harvard buildings in the square, scenic views on the Charles River, and colorful city life in the Square.
Mock Editorial Meeting The staff editorial is a key part of The Crimson’s Ed Board, and our Editorial Chairs will lead students through a mock editorial meeting. Students will be presented with a set of common controversial school issues up for discussion, and through the course of the meeting, students will debate both sides of each topic and formulate nuanced arguments for potential staff editorials.
Sensitive Stories: The Ethics of Journalism In this discussion, students will engage in a number of key questions relating to journalistic ethics, including what constitutes libel, anonymous sourcing, and how to cover sensitive issues such as sexual assault, discipline cases, and mental health. As these stories have risen to the forefront of many schools' best reporting, their importance cannot be underplayed.
Roundtable Discussion: Responsibilities of the EIC Managing editor Angela N. Fu will lead a roundtable for editor-­in-­chiefs to discuss the responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities that come with managing a team of writers and running a paper. Rebecca will share advice on how to be an effective leader of students close to your own age.
Sell, Sell, Sell: Make That Ad Deal Star-sellers from The Crimson business board will lead this discussion group in which students will have the chance to practice their ad selling skills, perfecting their ability to negotiate, bargain, and close.
…and more!
Newspaper Review This new opportunity will allow advisors and editors to have a one-on-one session with a Crimson editor on your own newspaper. Participants have the opportunity to submit a complete issue of their newspaper to be reviewed by Crimson editors and provide advice during the individual session.
Faculty Roundtable President Kristine E. Guillaume will lead a group discussion for faculty advisors to share common issues faced by their respective school newspapers. At the end of the discussion, advisors will have the opportunity to take a tour of The Crimson building and learn more about the day­to­day operations of the newspaper.