Explore the dynamic field of journalism.
About our Programs
It is our privilege to invite you to participate in our range of programming for high school students, which kicks off with our annual journalism conference on Saturday, April 1.
Led by some of our most talented and dedicated staff, the conference is a chance for students to work and learn alongside editors at The Crimson. Seminars hosted by our nine boards give students a hands-on chance to learn about the practices, standards, and techniques that drive our organization.
Finally, The Crimson’s Summer Journalism Academy is a chance for an experience as educational and exciting as our journalism conference, but spanning a week during the summer, and thus far more immersive, instructive, and fun. Crimson staffers will work with students on various journalism-related skills, teach participants about the workings of a bustling daily newspaper, and attendees will even print a paper of their own at the end of the week.
We hope we’ll have the chance to work with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact our coordinators at programs@thecrimson.com with any questions or concerns,
About The Crimson
The Harvard Crimson, the nation's oldest continuously published daily college newspaper, was founded in 1873 and incorporated in 1967. The Crimson has a rich tradition of journalistic integrity and counts among its ranks of editorship some of America's greatest journalists. The faces of Pulitzer Prize-winning Crimson editors line the walls of The Crimson.
The Crimson is proud of its legacy of alumni active in journalism, business, public service, and politics. Past editors include Franklin D. Roosevelt, Class of 1904, John F. Kennedy '40, J. Anthony Lewis '48, Don Graham '65, Linda Greenhouse '68, Steve Ballmer '77, Jim Cramer '77, Susan Chira '80, and Jeff Zucker '86. Having grown from a fortnightly newspaper to a daily, 140 years after its founding The Crimson continues to flourish.